Jeanne Dielman, 23, quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles: A Kind of Review
Courtesy of The Criterion Channel.
I kept seeing articles hailing Chantal Akerman’s voyeuristic study of a middle-aged widow as the greatest film ever made. I finally watched it on Criterion and found myself completely engrossed by Jeanne (the protagonist), moving from enclosed space to enclosed space, and turning lights on and off as she enters and leaves a room.
3 things I think you should know:
“This woman fascinates me” was all I kept thinking throughout the film.
Her son, Sylvain, points out her unraveling to her: “Your hair’s a mess (Vos cheveux sont en désordre).” “You missed a button (Vous avez manqué un bouton).”
I saw but also didn’t see the ending coming.